Slaughterhouse Rules Trailer How does the trailer construct meaning for the audience and to what extent does it provide an accurate representation of the movie? This trailer starts in the middle of the action, and the audience are quickly faced with loud screams and upbeat rock music. This choice of music conveys a sense of excitement and violence which are the two key components of this film. Furthermore, the pace of the of the camera transitions matches the tempo of the music and each cut is on a beat adding to the tension and encouraging me to believe that the film will be very gripping. After the first 5 seconds the viewer experiences an anticlimax and the tone changes. The music dies out and a piercing school bell adds to the mise-en-scene which reinforces that the action takes place in a school environment. The audience then experiences controlled editing of calm and panic which fits the horror genre showing contrast between the two. The connotation...
Showing posts from 2018
Weekly blog. Halloween Special.
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The Exorcist 3/5 "Will you dare to watch?" The terribly spooky music continuously played in the back ground of most scenes, doesn't hide the irritating fact that the film is definitely not a horror and is nothing but an old fashioned documentary for the light hearted to enjoy. Although, it's the speculation that followed the making of the film that intrigued me most. During the filming of this 1970s "horror" many became convinced that the movie was cursed, and there was strong evidence for this claim too. The death of Linda Blair's grandfather and Max Von Sydow's brother, who died on the first day of filming was the first suspicion. While days later, the son of Jason Miller, who played Father Damien Karras, was nearly killed when a motorcycle hit him, incidents that cannot be explained without referring to the EXORCIST. And the curse of this undoubtably cruel media product does not stop there, as shooting was delayed after the set caug...
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Unseen assessment Analyse the ways in which meaning is constructed in this media product. As Stuart Hall's reception theory explained media products can be decoded by the audience in three different ways; dominant, oppositional and negotiable. On my initial look at the Bill Board, my dominant reception decoded the obvious meaning behind this girly print and recognised its target audience was teenage girls. The mise-en-scene of the print is dominantly pink, stereotypically a girly colour, with an equally as pink British flag in the background making reference to their brand identity, Rimmel London. In addition, the main image of a girl highlights this with the short to medium shot; while making sexual connotation as she softly places the straw on her lip and stares directly at the audience with a seductive look. Moreover, the heading "16hr kiss proof lip" sends the message to girls that they will be ready for any occasion and they won't need to worry about th...
Page Layout and Composition
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Page Layout and Composition Revision Resource Treatment of images Designers are able to use specialist treatments such as manipulation to enhance the photograph from the original e.g. sky made bluer. They can also use effects whereby filters are applied to increase or decrease saturation, grain or colour to gain a certain effect e.g. over-exposure suggests nostalgia. Juxtaposition within the images can often create a linking or contrasting relationship between them, whether or not there was one originally. Lastly, the size of an image can indicate its importance, the larger the mage appress to be the more important it must be. Font The type of font you chose to use can effect the type of message you're trying to portray. Serif fonts for example are seen as a classic, formal and easier to read, making the message easier to remember understand. This type of font is most commonly used in books. Sans-serif fonts are seen as less fussy and modern so would be ...
Childish Gambino, This Is America
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Childish Gambino, this is America song review The talented Donald Glover Jr Aka Childish Gambino, who is in fact an actor, comedian, singer, writer, producer, director, rapper, and DJ dominated the internet with his political hit ‘This is America’ this year going straight to number 1 and gaining 300 million hits on YouTube alone. The initial point of the song was to raise awareness of the injustice of society and to depict America’s false promise of freedom. Throughout the song there are countless hidden messages. In the first 10 seconds we see a man strumming a guitar playing a cheerful tune which dramatically turns to an aggressive tone as Childish Gambino takes out a gun and shoots the guitarist in the back of his head. The message behind this is said to linked to the man that was shot; who is supposedly the father of a slain teen Trayvon Martin. A symbolic reference found within this is the pose Childish Gambino strikes before pulling the trigger which is sa...
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Forbes Magazine "Americas's Women Billionaires" Kylie Jenner poses with her arms crossed firmly showing her strength as an individual and as an independent and empowered women. The clothing she is wearing moreover confirms her influence and power. The black suit, typically worn by a male reinforces her success as a women, connoting that man are no longer the only money makers that history has painted them out to be and women are more then capable to achieve greatness. The camera angle used is a medium shot, this is the most common shot as it allows for the audience to engage with the subject of the main image. Producers will have done this to attract extended clients who are fans of Kylie and will have been influenced to buy the magazine because of her being on the front cover. Kylie 21, the owner of a multi-million pound makeup company Kylie Cosmetics noticeably only wears very subtle makeup which expresses that Kylie wants people to know she has her own id...
A Star is born
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A Star is born 5\5 I heard of this film through the recommendation of a friend who was blown away by its creativity and storyline and therefore felt obliged to go and see it in the cinema. And I certainly wasn't disappointed. The message behind the film is definite and very eye opening, as it explores the reality of the perfect world we think celebrities lead and unravels a few home truths on the difficulties, pressures and frustration they regularly experience. And the produces of the film definitely didn't hold back when portraying these horrific truths, which are all so brutally acknowledged throughout. Within the film there are many underlying messages that could be interpreted in so many different ways, which is why it is so worth while watching. Genre: Drama Directed By: Bradley Cooper Written By: Will Fetters, Eric Roth and Bradly Cooper In Theaters: Oct 5, 2018 World wide Runtime: 135 minutes Studio: ...
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6IX9INE - STOOPID FT. BOBBY SHMURDA (Official Music Video) 2/5 Stoopid released last Friday, went straight to number 1 on trending this weekend. Rapper 6ix9ine with his typically weird dress sense and music which involves mostly shouting is quite the hit with the younger generation, including myself. Although, I was disappointed with his recent song drop and music video as in my opinion has been taken too far, and is far to "stooped" to enjoy which is the reason for my low rating. The introduction at the start involved 6ix9ine driving down a desert on a quad bike, meanwhile the record company are introducing themselves in a regular toned voice, promoting their company. This sets the video of to a bad start making it appear cheap and rushed. The rapper then begins to sing and curse which comes across very violently. Lastly, i do believe to some extent that the video does achieve what it maybe set out todo, and the colourful fun scenes match the artists...
Five Great British Adverts!
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Five Great British Adverts Levi's, 1992. The iconic Levi's advert instantly wins over the women viewers such as myself, with the stereotypical romanic American music followed by a tall, dark and handsome man swooping on scene, and sexually ripping his shirt off as he rebelliously dives into the water and although he keeps his trousers on it does not make him any less good looking. Levi's do this to demonstrate to the typical 1990s rebellious teenager how nice the jeans look on. And making their audience desperate for a pair, to look as good as him and to get the women's attention. The denotation is a male repeatedly diving into different pools, the connotations of this is that each pool is owned by a different age range and social class this suggests that Levi's considered their jeans to be worn and loved by everyone. The mise-en-scene is a very happy atmosphere; the sun is shining and people are all together enjoying each others company. The ...